Hey there Slave. You confess that you have a fetish for cheerleaders, so here I am, dressed as a cheerleader to see the effect on you. When are you starting to get hard? Can you even get hard? Uh, look, you have a d… what is that? My clit is bigger? How do you grab that? Like if I want to suck you off right now, could I do it? Grab it between my fingers and use it like a… lollipop? Nah, it’s way smaller. Like a toothpick, that’s it. Your cock is so tiny I can use it to pick my teeth with it. I can imagine myself jerking you off with just my index finger and thumb and trying to suck it but ending up licking it because there’s nothing there to put in my mouth. It’s so small… Do you pee standing or do you have to go like girls, sitting down?
Video length: 5:28 min.
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