What the fuck are you looking at Slave? Today the only thing I’ll do for you is ignore your existence, and that should be a good break for you. Be thankful that I’m not making you lick the floor or something nastier. You can linger your eyes on my tall socks and on my red panties, I know you are a sucker for my girly look, when I wear my fake glasses and have my hair tied up. That’s pretty much all you get today, am I clear? Oh look, more slaves are sending me text messages. Did you really thought you are the only one? A gorgeous woman like me must always be surrounded with attention and I’m not in the mood for yours right now. But feel free to feast your eyes… Gosh, even the thought of you makes me sick… It’s like you are a bad breakfast and I can’t get another order for a while.
Video length: 2:57 min.
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