Time is on this dominatrix’s side. As she doesn’t have a hurried bone in her body. She’ll make this guy wait until the time is right. Not a second sooner will she begin the spanking. It’s then that the guy realizes she’s in total control. There’s nothing he can say or do that will change it. Most people would freak out after the first few minutes of being held captive like this. Clearly he’s a guy that gets off on this type of thing. As he doesn’t seem like he’s in a hurry either. Making this one of the most patient BDSM videos you’ll probably ever see. The pain does come after she’s good and ready. But, maybe for the sake of his ass it could have came a little sooner. It did look mighty sad and lonely at one time. His ass was in need of some special attention that only a paddle could bring.
Video length: 7:38 min.
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