So for all you small penises out there, I thought today, I would show you what a real man looks like! What I like in real life. This! I like big hard cocks! Oh, yes, this just looks so good! I wanna touch it and lick it! This is what a real man is like. Oh, yes, that’s what gets me off! But then, there’s you – little teeny tiny penis! Oh, for all you sex failures out there, you have little teeny tiny penises! I don’t even know what to do with that! I mean, come on! It’s so small, it’s like… It’s the size of real guy’s balls! That’s how small your penis is! It’s the size of guy’s balls, so it’s pretty fucking sad, ok? I mean, look how tiny it is! It’s just so small! Oh, let me get my tweezers out so I can jerk it off! It’s so small, I can’t even feel it in my mouth if I were to suck it! I mean, come on! It’s just so tiny! All you fucking retards out there with teeny tiny penises that just sit at home and jerk off their teeny tiny penises and tiny cocks… because they can’t get a real woman because real women like big, nice cocks like this! I love big cocks! They just turn me on so much! I’m getting so wet just holding this big cock in my hands. And then, once again, there is you. Little teeny tiny stub. That’s all it is! It’s just a little stub! I don’t know what you expect to do with that. Well, I guess, you pretty much know you can’t do anything with this so that’s why you sit at home and jerk off to my videos! Oh, wait! You better go get a microscope because your penis is so small that you can’t even see it when it’s not erect. I mean, I’m sure you have a few tweezers or whatever in your bathroom so when you pee you can: “Oh, hold on, let me find it. It’s somewhere down there… Oh, oh, OK there, I found it!” And then you pee right? Yeah, I’m pretty sure. You’re so, so sorry! You’re just a sorry excuse for a man! I mean, even trannies, even gay guys have bigger better cocks than you! Yeah, even trannies! The ones that dress up like women. They even have bigger cocks than you! Oh, my God… Your cock is so small, I just don’t understand how you can think you can get anything with that! It’s so tiny! You’re such a sorry excuse of a man! You’re a failure, a big fat failure! And you’ll never get anywhere in life with a tiny penis like that! I mean, you can’t do anything with it! It’s the size of my pinkie! Look at that shit! You can’t do anything with that! No one wants to suck on that shit! No one wants that in their vagina because they can’t even feel it! I know I wouldn’t! I, what I like to do with little tiny penises like that is fucking laugh at them! Ha, ha. Oh, my God, it’s so small! Oh, my God, it’s so cute and little! It’s small as my pinkie! Oh, my God! I would look and point. Tiny dick! Tiny dick! It’s so tiny! Oh, it’s so sad! And then you have this big cock! Oh, I like this one! Oh, I want it so bad! I want to fuck this big cock! Oh, yes! It feels so good in my pussy! Oh, I love big, hard cocks! Yeah! They are so big and juicy! I love when they squirt their cum all over me! But, you don’t have a big cock so you’ll never ever be able to cum on me! Instead, you have to sit at home on your computer and jack off to my videos and my pictures because I would never, ever come close to a guy with a small of a dick as you have! That’s fucking pathetic! Whatever! I’m fucking sick of this shit! Yeah! I’m sick of how small your teeny tiny cock is! It’s just useless! Fucking useless piece of flesh. That’s all it is, just a piece of flesh! You should just cut it off, it’s so small. I’m sure people might like you more because at least you’d have an excuse. Like:” Oh, sorry I don’t have a penis.” Instead of: “I have this little teeny tiny penis!” I mean, come on. You’re so pathetic! Fucking retard! Retard with the small cock, retard with the small cock! You’re so stupid! Whatever, I’m through with you, you fucking little penis! Later!
Video length: 6:56 min.
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