For the love of the game, I’m going to let you put me down Miki, but the naughty smile on my face should be the first warning that you are dealing with an Amazonian fighting champion and your chances of defeating me are not even void, they are actually inexistent. For me it’s just a small game, I can put you on all fours any time I want and I just love to see you tapping the floor with your face all red from the lack of air. Come on Miki, you can put your back into it a bit more, at least give me a challenge. Right now you huff and puff, you think you stand a chance but I’m just exhausting you. Does if feels nice to have your head between my legs? Here, I’ll let you defeat me just a bit. In the end you’ll still beg for mercy in my scissor grip.
Video length: 15:28 min.
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