So, there’s one thing that you need in order to get with this. Well, one main thing, anyway. And you know what that is? Lots and lots of money. This is the only way that you’ll get close to touching this perfect body! Yes! And, I’m not just talking about a little twenty dollar bill here or a twenty dollar bill there… I need hundreds! All hundred dollar bills! Or credit cards would be nice too, but I like cash more. So, really… How much do you have in your bank account? What do you think I’m worth? I mean, I am a princess! That’s why I have my crown on. And you know, princesses are really fucking high maintenance. But you know I’m worth it. You know I’m worth it! I’m worth every last penny in your bank account. I mean, don’t you think it’s just worth it just for you to see maybe even a nipple? All your money! I want all of your money! You do that for me and I’ll do something super special for you. What do you want? Do you want my tits in your face like that? Well, the only way you get that is to is if I have your money! Like that! I want all of your fucking money if you want my tits. Or maybe you just want to rub my tummy like this? Caress it. Maybe you wanna spank me like that? Is that what you want? Because you’re just obsessed with my ass that you just wanna come over and spank it or grab a little bit? Well, the only way you get you want is to give me what I want! Lots and lots of money! And you know what I’m gonna do with that money? I’m gonna go out and I’m gonna buy some of the hottest fucking outfits! The sexiest lingerie and some really nice jewelry. Maybe a car… And you know what I’m gonna do with all that shed? I’m gonna go out and I’m gonna be very, very hot! I’m gonna look so good! I’m gonna look like the million bucks that you gave me and I’m gonna go find a real fucking guy! A guy that has the other thing you need in order to get with me – a big cock! Yes! So, with all the money that you give me… I’m gonna go find guys! I’m probably gonna suck their cocks… And I’ll probably fuck them too… Yeah, I’m definitely gonna fuck them and suck their cocks, and you know what I’m gonna be doing the whole time? I’m not gonna be thinking about you! That’s for sure! I’m gonna be thinking about all the money you’ve just gave me because why? Because you’re pathetic and you actually believe that you’ll get some of this… Oh, even though you know you’ll never get close to my perfect body, you’re still gonna empty your wallets for me. Aren’t you? Because you must do everything I say! You must obey princess Chloe all the time! And my number one rule is: As soon as you even think about me, if you want anything to do with me, if you want my videos, if you want me saying your name while I’m stroking your cock, or like, anything like that… It’s gonna cost you! It’s gonna cost you big time! I want your money and I want your humiliation! I want you to cry all over the bills you’re gonna give me because your tears… I love it, it’s like my gold! Just knowing that you cried all over these bills because you knew that you’re giving away your life’s saving to someone that is doing nothing for you! I love it! So cry all over your money and send it to me! Right now! OK, loser? I’ll be waiting!
Video length: 5:13 min.
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