Oh! You ready to watch me getting another guy off again? You know you are! Your little princess is just ready to make you cum. Or ready for you to watch and you make yourself cum! Oh, yeah! Oh, it’s so easy! It’s really actually kind of pathetic! But, you know, everyone has their own thing that they like and I know that you like to be pathetic and you like to be a loser. And you like watching me get other guys off. Seriously? I wonder… If I had you right in front of me and I had a line of guys, and I was like… Which one do I get to fuck? And I chose you… You would probably turn me down, huh? You’d be like: “No, I don’t wanna fuck you. I just want to watch you fuck all these other guys. All at once!” That’s what you would want, right? You wouldn’t actually want a taste of this fucking pussy. No… You’d rather me fuck other guys and watch and you just jerk your fucking little cock yourself. That’s what you would rather do, right? Oh, yeah! Because you’re fucking pathetic and you don’t know what real pussy tastes like. And you probably don’t even know what ass is like either. You probably don’t know what a blowjob is like because you’ve never had one. You only know what they look like. How pathetic is that? Oh, and you’re probably addicted to porn too, aren’t you? Because you don’t actually like the sex act, you just like watching it! You’re a sorry excuse for a person. You know, every person, it’s just in our nature to have sex. To get off, to reproduce! But you? You don’t do that! It’s not in your nature! You have a missing gene. You really do! You’re missing some things up there, and just in your body! Because, why? Because you’re fucking pathetic and you don’t like sex! So fucking pathetic, right? I mean, usually, guys would actually want this ass. They wanna grab it like that… And they want me to grind on their cock and make them cum, but no, you, a sorry excuse for a human being! You would rather watch someone else fuck than you’d fuck yourself! I just don’t think that’s right! You definitely have some missing pieces to your puzzle, dude! No. You just like watching other guys cum. You like that I make these guys cum. And what really turns you on is when you see the cum shooting out of their fucking cock, isn’t it? Is that what turns you on most? You like watching cum squirt out of their cocks and their faces in pleasure? Oh, yeah! Or is it the actual motion that you like? Or is it just that you know you’ll never actually get pussy, so you keep to yourself? You’re such a loser! You just don’t wanna bother with anyone because you’re unsociable. You just sit at home and you’d rather watch people fuck than fuck yourself? You’d rather not try because you don’t wanna be turned down. Is that it? You have a fear of being turned down! You know that you’re so fucking ugly and you’re so disgusting and you have such a small little penis that you know that no girl would ever sleep with you… So you just watch instead. Is that why you like being a little cuck bitch? It’s either that reason and the only other reason that I could possibly think of is that you were one of those disturbed children that always watched your parents fuck when you were little? And now it’s the only thing that turns you on. That’s probably it, huh? You have a whole fucking dysfunctional family and your parents would put on a sex show for you when you were a little kid and now that’s the only thing you like! Oh my God! How crazy and disturbing is that? And the funny thing is, when I talked about that, about you watching your fucking parents when you were a little kid, that’s what got you off. Is that what made you cum? You gonna cum so hard now? Yeah you are, you fucking cuck bitch! Some of them know that you’re never gonna actually get laid so they just like watching. Well, now is your time to watch! Watch him because I’m gonna make him cum right now! Yeah, come on, watch him while I make him cum! Yeah, I’m gonna make him fucking cum, yeah! You gonna cum with him? Come on, fucking stroke your cock so you guys cum together! Come on, you fucking cuck! Oh, yeah! Cum! Cum for me, yeah! Oh, yeah! You like that don’t you? You like that? Ha, ha. Oh, did you cum all over your pants too? Yeah, you did, didn’t you? Of course, you did! You cum whenever I make anyone else cum. That’s why it’s so easy and pathetic. Loser!
Video length: 7:04 min.
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