You’re good enough to be with my sister… Because, I don’t think so. I have you here on the bed and I mean, look how easy it was for me to get you on here. Do you really think that I’m gonna allow you to marry my sister? I mean, why are you saying no? You know you want this! Yes, you do! I mean, you say that you’ve never came from a girl? A girl’s never made you cum before. I find that hard to believe. Either, A: You’re lying… or B, you’re a fag! Or C, you’re just really fucking pathetic! No, you don’t! You’re loving this right now! Yeah, I can tell how much you’re loving this! You’re gonna love it even more right now! So, I mean seriously! What makes you think you’re good enough for my sister? I mean, I’m sitting on you, grinding right now and I’m gonna make you cum! After you marry my sister, what makes you think that you’re actually gonna stay fateful? I mean, I’m her sister and you’re still fucking messing around with me! I know what’s really gonna happen after when you find a girl that’s never gonna meet my sister. You’re probably gonna fuck her too, aren’t you? But, that’s really a far shot because you’re just such a fucking loser! I don’t understand anyone that would actually want to fuck this loser virgin cock of yours. You probably suck in bed too! OK, probably? No. You do suck in bed. If you’ve never had sex before, how do you think you’re gonna please a woman? You don’t know what the fuck you’re doing! And you say that a woman’s never made you cum before? Are you a little fag? You’re not gonna get in trouble because you’re not gonna be with my sister anymore. After this.. After I make you cum so fucking hard, you better call my sister and break it off with her. Or she’s gonna break it off with you because I’m gonna tell her what we did! Except, I’m not gonna tell her that I made you do this. I’m gonna tell her that you begged for it! I’m gonna tell her that you came up to me and you got on your knees and you said: ” Please Chloe, I want you to make me cum! Please, will you grind on my dick? And don’t tell your sister!” I’m gonna tell her that that’s exactly what you said! That you begged for it! That you wanted me to make you cum! So, are you gonna break up with my sister? Are you? Yes, you will! Because if you don’t, she’ll break it off with you, I know she will! Especially after you cum right now! I’m gonna make you cum, yeah! Are you gonna cum for me? Tell me you’re gonna cum for me! Are you gonna cum? Yes, you are! I can feel it! I can feel you’re gonna fucking cum for me! Yeah! And I can’t wait to tell my sister what a loser, fucking cheating ex-fiancee she’s gonna have. Oh, yeah! And you know what else I’m gonna do? I’m gonna show her this video as proof! Won’t you like that? Because you’re so fucking pathetic! You’re getting so scared now, aren’t you? Oh, so scared that you’re not gonna have my sister anymore… Or are you scared that a woman’s gonna make you cum. I wonder what you’re more scared about! You’re gonna cum! Yeah, you are! Oh, yeah! You came good, didn’t you? Mhm! Did you like that a girl made you cum? Did it feel good? Oh, yes it did, don’t lie! So, you know what to do right? Go and break up with my sister, you fucking loser! Because I know how sexy you think I am and I’m gonna make you bust so fucking hard! I know that you just can’t handle me anymore! I’m just so fucking hot and sexy that sometimes when you just look at me, you just blow up in your pants! That’s what I’ll make you do today! I’m gonna make you cum so hard that you’re pop all over because I know you can’t handle it! You can’t hold it back, can you? You wanna cum for me so hard! Don’t you? Can you handle it? Can you keep your cum inside? I bet you can’t! I bet I can make you explode all over the place! That’s gonna be a huge mess. You can’t keep your cum inside. Can you keep your cum in your pants? Can you keep it in your pants? I don’t think so! Oh, oh yeah! You’re gonna pop so much! Is your cock all nice and fucking hard for me? You love it when I fucking grind on cock don’t you? Oh, it makes you so hot and hard! You’re just dripping for me now, aren’t you? Tell me you can’t handle it anymore! Tell me you can’t handle it! Oh, yeah, you’re gonna cum aren’t you? Are you gonna cum for me? Oh, yeah! Let me give you a countdown! I’m gonna give you ten seconds to cum. I know you can’t handle it! Are you gonna be able to wait all ten seconds? Ready? Ten… Oh, yeah! Nine… Oh, yeah, you’re gonna cum! Eight… Seven… Six… Five… Oh, yeah, that big load is gonna squirt out? Four… Yeah, you like that? Oh… Three… Oh, yeah, come on, cum for me! Two… Oh, yeah, give it to me! One… Yeah! Oh, yeah, you fucking like that, huh? You like when I grind on a cock until it fucking explodes everywhere. I knew you couldn’t handle it!
Video length: 9:14 min.
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