You are the biggest idiot I have ever met. I tell you that I need to go shopping, and what you bring me is 500 Euros? Is that supposed to be some type of a joke or something? Even this champagne you got on your way back from that dumb job is fake. You must have spent 50 Euros at most on this cheap stuff – I wouldn’t even use this to clean the floor with – it’s just disgusting and totally represents you as a person.
If I don’t get more money by this time next week, you will be in for a lot of punishment. You know what I’m capable of, and I’m not about to be treated for anything less than I’m worth. You’re lucky I put up with this rubbish, because I know there are much better men – much richer men – out there that are willing to look after me. Buck your ideas up, boy. Your cash flow is terrible.
Video length: 4:41 min.
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