Each time I make you bend over I can’t stop thinking how much I like your bare ass. It’s so smooth and round that my slaps have a mind of their own and want to be present on it non-stop. But you know what I like more? Pulling your cock and balls backwards and watching as they turn purple, feeling them throbbing in my hands as you get all sweaty. They are like small balloons filled with water. Can you feel me pushing my fingers in them Slave? Damn, your fine ass just winked at me. Your spread hole looks so delicious that I might just taste it a little bit. You don’t mind, do you Slave? Judging by each moan you let out after I stroke your hole with my tongue, I think you really enjoy this. How could you not enjoy a rimming from your Mistress, after I tortured your balls so hard by pulling them more than they can go?
Video length: 7:56 min.
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